Hapag-Lloyd, a renowned global shipping company, has introduced a groundbreaking container tracking device named “Live Position,” marking a significant advancement in logistics technology. This device is the first in the shipping industry to utilize Internet of Things (IoT) technology extensively, offering clients unparalleled visibility of their cargo from the start to the end of its journey. This innovative product addresses long-standing challenges in global logistics by eliminating “blind spots,” providing customers with real-time data that enhances decision-making and risk management capabilities.
Dr. Maximilian Rothkopf, Hapag-Lloyd’s Chief Operating Officer, emphasized that “Live Position” is transformative, enabling real-time monitoring and risk mitigation for customers and improving the efficiency of container navigation within Hapag Lloyd’s extensive fleet. The device’s development, led by Hapag-Lloyd’s Head of Global Commercial Development, Henrik Schilling, was customer-centric, aiming to alleviate primary concerns around cargo visibility. During its pilot phase, the product received positive feedback, validating its effectiveness and the company’s commitment to going the extra mile for its customers.
“Live Position” features a user-friendly interface with simple search functions that allow clients to easily track shipments by container, booking number, or batch. This seamless integration provides immediate updates on a shipment’s location, facilitating timely adjustments to transport plans. Future enhancements will include integrating tracking data into customers’ operating systems through an API and adding an Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) Prediction feature, further advancing the utility and accuracy of “Live Position.”
- Marine Insight, “Hapag-Lloyd Unveils World’s First Dry Container Tracking Product, Live Position”, Marine Insight Article.